

Mix Oil ® Powder-mint

Mix-Oil® is a higly concentrated mix of essential oils designed and created for all farm animals and pets and may be considered a multi-purpose flavouring since not only it improves the taste of food, but also naturally works as a digestive and stimulant. Mix-Oil® exploits the characteristics and synergies of all its components to improve the performance and health of animals.

GENERAL MODE OF ACTION: The main actions of essential oils included in Mix-Oil® are represented by their antioxidant action, anti-microbial action, anti-inflammatory action and the stimulation of the natural defences of animals (increase the immune defences). All these characteristics make Mix-Oil® a different, complete and unique product on the market.

BENEFITS: Productivity: Mix-Oil® improves the animals health and consequently the performances. Profitability: Mix-Oil® helps on reduce the feed cost and gives always a very interesting return on investment.



  • Immune responses
  • Weight and FCR
  • Production (eggs)
  • Eggs quality
  • Shank and skin colour
  • Success on control coxy
  • Meat quality
  • Profit


  • Respiratory problems
  • Mortality
  • Use of antibiotics
  • Wet litter – ammonia
  • Cost of feed
  • Heat stress
  • Chemical additives
  • Total cost

Mix Oil ® Liquid

Mix-Oil® is a higly concentrated mix of essential oils designed and created for all farm animals and pets and may be considered a multi-purpose flavouring since not only it improves the taste of food, but also naturally works as a digestive and stimulant. Mix-Oil® exploits the characteristics and synergies of all its components to improve the performance and health of animals.

GENERAL MODE OF ACTION: The main actions of essential oils included in Mix-Oil® are represented by their antioxidant action, anti-microbial action, anti-inflammatory action and the stimulation of the natural defences of animals (increase the immune defences). All these characteristics make Mix-Oil® a different, complete and unique product on the market.

BENEFITS: Productivity: Mix-Oil® improves the animals health and consequently the performances. Profitability: Mix-Oil® helps on reduce the feed cost and gives always a very interesting return on investment.



  • Immune responses
  • Weight and FCR
  • Production (eggs)
  • Eggs quality
  • Shank and skin colour
  • Success on control coxy
  • Meat quality
  • Profit


  • Respiratory problems
  • Mortality
  • Use of antibiotics
  • Wet litter – ammonia
  • Cost of feed
  • Heat stress
  • Chemical additives
  • Total cost

Mix Oil ® ++ Liquid


A.W.P. vision of a sustainable future means our children and grand children will be living in a world that values human creativity, diversity and individual choice.

Business will harness human and material resources without devaluating the integrity of the individual or the planet’s ecosystem.

Mix Oil plus plus is a dream come true.

This product is increasingly required and used instead of antibiotics: that means an improvement of animal breeding and consequently of human health.

  • Mix Oil++ is a unique blend of essential oils, organic acids and fatty acids designed to be a very strong antibacterial product.
  • Mix Oil++ can be used in all phases for broilers, layers and breeders.
  • Mix Oil++ is available in powder or liquid form (water-dispersible).
  • Mix Oil++ has no contraindications due to its natural composition.


Mix Oil++ is a unique product able to inhibit pathogens and improve animal health.


Can be used on antibiotics free production.

High safety product due to its natural composition.

Can be mixed in combination with other feed additives or medications.

Better general growth performance.

Mix Oil ® ++ Powder


A.W.P. vision of a sustainable future means our children and grand children will be living in a world that values human creativity, diversity and individual choice.

Business will harness human and material resources without devaluating the integrity of the individual or the planet’s ecosystem.

Mix Oil plus plus is a dream come true.

This product is increasingly required and used instead of antibiotics: that means an improvement of animal breeding and consequently of human health.

  • Mix Oil++ is a unique blend of essential oils, organic acids and fatty acids designed to be a very strong antibacterial product.
  • Mix Oil++ can be used in all phases for broilers, layers and breeders.
  • Mix Oil++ is available in powder or liquid form (water-dispersible).
  • Mix Oil++ has no contraindications due to its natural composition.


Mix Oil++ is a unique product able to inhibit pathogens and improve animal health.


Can be used on antibiotics free production.

High safety product due to its natural composition.

Can be mixed in combination with other feed additives or medications.

Better general growth performance.

AirOil (for treat respiratory disease)

HIGH TECHNOLOGY FROM NATURAL SOURCES Lower respiratory tract infections are a major cause of illness and death on animal world. Such infections are common in intensive care units and their lethality persists despite advances in diagnosis, treatment and prevention. 

PHYTO-MOLECULES specifi cally support the respiratory system: it is very well know that some essentials oils has anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-infl ammatory and balsamic action. Thanks to our twenty-years experience on essentials oil for animal wellness and health, to our R&D and to our worldwide university collaboration we develop a new high technological product able to satisfy need of growing up animals in a modern way.

  • Airoil™ is a unique blend of natural PHYTO-MOLECULES designed with strong effect on respiratory system.
  • Airoil™ can be used for all animal species for any kind of respiratory problems
  • Airoil™ is available in powder or liquid form ( water-dispersible)
  • Airoil™ has no contraindication due to its natural composition


  • helps on viral and bacterial respiratory diseases
  • has mucolytic and expectorant effects
  • helps on ND, IB, AI, CRD diseases, heat stress, handling, vaccination
  • opens and keeps clean the respiratory tract

ImmunOil (immunostimulator)


The immune system provides protection against infectious diseases caused by various microorganisms including viruses, bacterial genetics, pathogenic fungi and parasites. Natural products and natural product derivatives have a traditional history as immunostimulants. Emerging evidence indicates that essentials oils exert their benefi cial effects on animal immune system mostly by plant secondary metabolites. Thanks to our twenty-year experience on essentials oil for animal wellness and health, to our R&D and to our worldwide university collaborations we have developed a new high technological product able to satisfy the need of growing up animals in a modern way.

  • Immunoil™ is a unique blend of natural essential oils designed to stimulate high infl uence on immune system development.
  • Immunoil™ is used in all young animals to help in establishment & development of strong & healthy immune system in the fi rst part of life stage.
  • Immunoil™ is available in powder and liquid form (water-dispersible).
  • Immunoil™ has no contraindications due to its natural composition.


  • strongest animals against diseases
  • better general growth performance
  • less treatment/medication
  • helps to build and maximize the bone marrow
  • increases the size of bursa in broilers

CoxxOil (control coccidiosis)


Coccidiosis remains one of the most important diseases in the poultry industry and results in the annual loss of millions of US dollars by the poultry industry. Vaccination and chemotherapeutic approach are currently used to prevent and treat coccidiosis. Live attenuated vaccines are used to prevent coccidial infection; however, the cross-species protection in coccidian vaccines is unsatisfactory. In addition there is some concern about the side effects of drug residues in poultry product in common preventive procedure with coccidiostatic agent. A solution to both these problems could be the use of plant products that function by mechanisms other than those of chemotherapeutics, with the additional advantage of a natural origin. Antioxidant compounds could hold promise for the control of Eimeria infections due to the association of coccidial infection with lipid peroxidation of the intestinal mucosa. Thanks to our twenty-year experience on essentials oil for animal wellness and health, to our R&D and to our worldwide university collaborations we have developed a new high technological product able to satisfy the needs of growing up animals in a modern way.

  • Coxxoil™ is a unique blend of natural essential oils designed to prevent and break down coccidia life cycle.
  • Coxxoil™ can be used for all animal species.
  • Coxxoil™ is available in powder or liquid form (water-dispersible).
  • Coxxoil™ has no contraindication due to its natural composition.


  • control of coccidiosis in general
  • high safe margin due to its natural composition
  • no development of resistance and no need for shuttle programs
  • safe to be used in breeders and layers because it has no adverse effects on egg production or fertility
  • can be mixed in combination with other feed additives or medications (no drug interaction)

GrowNat (performance enhancer)

Grow-NatTM  is a a higly concentrated mix of essential oils designed and created for all farm animals and pets and may be considered a multi-purpose flavouring since not only it improves the taste of food, but also naturally works as a digestive and stimulant.

Grow-NatTM exploits the characteristics and synergies of all its components to improve the performance and health of animals.


The main actions of essential oils included in Grow-NatTM are represented by their antioxidant action, anti-microbial action, anti-inflammatory action and the stimulation of the natural defences of animals (increase the immune defences).

All these characteristics make Grow-NatTM a different, complete and unique product on the market.


  • Productivity: Grow-NatTM improves the animals health and consequently the performances.
  • Profitability: Grow-NatTM helps on reduce the feed cost and gives always a very interesting return on investment.

Grow-NatTM is available on different physical forms:

  • Liquid
  • Powder
  • Micro encapsulated

All Grow-NatTM active ingredients are in accordance with EC Directive 1831/2003 and related up grading, with GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) from U.S.A. FDA (Food and Drug Administration).



MulOx (mucolitic)


Thanks to our twenty-year experience on animal wellness and health, to our R&D and to our worldwide university collaborations we developed a new highly technological product to solve the current problems. A unique blend of organic ac- ids and selected long-release Phy- tomolecules


– to put organic acids in close con- tact with bacteria to maximise the antibacterial activity
– to put phytomolecules in contact with respiratory tracts to control infections and viruses


– Control of current diseases

– Decrease in mortality

– Better livestock performances

– Higher return of investment

– Decrease in the use of antibiotics

– Scientific trials prove its effectiveness against E.Coli, Salmonella and Colstridium perfringens.



Research & Development

Research and Development is a priority for A.W.P.

All our products and technologies are developed and tested by:



(Oakland-Nebraska- USA), USA-FDA Authorized Test Center.



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